When you fight with people it can be exhausting and upsetting. Everybody will fight with their friends, family and sometimes even strangers. If you do not want to fight with others then you must prevent it. Most fights can be stopped if everybody just takes a minute to breathe however this normally does not happen because one or both parties are too angry to even try and calm down. If you want to prevent conflicts then you must stop getting angry with other people.
Do not fight with strangers
There are lots of times when people find themselves fighting with complete strangers. They may fight with strangers because they are drunk, because of incidents that may occur when their angry or if they feel that they have been offended in some way. Traffic management will reduce traffic and this can help prevent people from getting angry. This will involve having truck detour routes, identifying the public areas that are affected and communicating with the relevant parties in order to reduce the traffic.
A traffic controller http://www.safewaytms.com.au/traffic-control/ company may have to be hired when someone is having a private event. When there is concrete pumping and pouring being done they will also need to be hired. Choose a company that plans well and will also respond properly when there is an emergency.
You must think before you act
You must learn to control your temper if you want to prevent conflicts from happening. If you are angry with another person do not fight with them. You should talk to them calmly and discuss with them why you are angry. This way you can solve your problem by talking and then you will not have to fight with anybody. It is good to discuss your problems with other people first because you may jump to conclusions and pick a fight with somebody for no reason at all.
You should use humor
If you are in a heated discussion with somebody you can use humor to break the tension. When people discuss something they are passionate about they can become emotional and if the conversation is not going their way they can start to get angry. When you feel like you or the person you are arguing with is getting angry you should use humor so that your anger will go away and you will not have any conflicts.
Be a good listener
When you listen to others you can hear their point of view and this way you will see where they are coming from. When you understand them you will find it harder to fight with them.