When Do You Need A Bug Check In Your Home?

When Do You Need A Bug Check In Your Home?

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Termites can cause serious damage to your home and nearby structures on your property like the garage, garden house, patios etc. Termites usually attack places that contain wooden structures and have moist areas like leaking roofs or damp walls. There are different types of termites and they cause damage in different ways. Nevertheless, treating termites or preventing them from breeding is very essential. Termites work quite fast and can consume your expensive furniture and wooden structures in your home from within. The damage may not be visible until it is too late. Therefore, it is important to know when you need a termite inspection so that your home and belongings can remain safe.

Yearly bug examination

If you are living in a place that receives an average rainfall or snowfall, you should ideally get your property and premises inspected for signs of termites on a yearly basis. This is the safest method to prevent damages caused by termites. Several companies that conduct building inspections Altona offer affordable termite inspection packages on an annual basis. 

Post renovation examination

Renovations are always a great way to improve the appearance and utility of your home. However, certain renovation jobs can lead to concealed defects or flaws. For instance, a leaking pipe or a cracked drainage unit can lead to a gradual spread of moisture that can make your concrete structures damp and weaker over time. The damp areas and cracks can lead to termite infection because these insects are attracted to wet areas. A timely inspection after a major renovation can help the experts in sealing the leaky areas and thus prevent the invasion of termites. Kitchens and bath areas are more prone to termite infection. Getting a professional pest inspector can definitely help you in identifying signs of termite invasion, so that you can take appropriate measures in preventing or removing them.

Pre-purchase check

If you are planning to buy a house or property from a seller, you should definitely hire a property inspector to check the extent of damage sustained by the interiors and exteriors. This is also an apt time for getting a complete pest inspection. Some property inspectors are proficient in pest inspection, but you can also hire a specialist for getting the job done more efficiently. When you are buying a furnished home, the chances of termite infestations are more. Hence, you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the home and premises that include lawn and garden. Any branches or logs left unattended should also be checked for the presence of termites. There are several inspection companies that conduct pre purchase building inspections Geelong at affordable rates. Most of them offer a combined package that includes a complete pest inspection service.

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