Traditional Methods VS Scientific Modern Medicines: Which Is Better?

Traditional Methods VS Scientific Modern Medicines: Which Is Better?

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Traditional medicinal techniques like the Chinese acupunctural methods are medicinal remedies that have been passed down from generation to generation, since the dawning of men. These methods are mainly natural and have little or no scientific backing. Whilst the modern medicinal practices are have backing researches and are developed and practiced widely in the West which then spread across the globe. These two methods however have two very striking differences. Deciding which one is better can be inconclusive, but you can compare the two and decide for yourself, which one is better for you and that particular disease or illness.

The time
Modern scientific medicines take very little time, almost only a couple of days to suppress the symptoms of the disease. Most often a fever or a cold can be easily cured. However, these are believed to be only symptoms of a greater disease. And how effective it is in the long term cannot be determined. The traditional medicinal methods are much slower paced in curing the diseases but cure the disease form its root cause. The effects are also believed to be more stable in the long run.


The reliability of both techniques is very hard to be assessed. If you take acupuncture Melbourne it has a zero percentage of side effects. But the success rate is not a hundred percent. The modern medicines on the other hand have a higher rate of success because of the little time taken. But they are known to almost always cause various side effects. Nausea and loss of appetite are very common side effects. Modern remedies as mentioned before also have the tendency to not cure the disease from its roots causing them to reappear. So the reliability of both measures cannot be assessed as a hundred percent. And it also varies according to the different illnesses.

Money as a factor
Money is a major concern for most people. The traditional methods are generally less expensive because they are folk medication passed down from generation to generation and doesn’t involve any expensive practices or research. Modern medicine is the exact opposite. There is a lot of money spent on research of the disease and development of a drug. And so can sometimes cost a fortune! In this aspect traditional remedies are more cost effective. But not all persons have access to proper traditional practitioners which is a major issue. In case you are looking for a pregnancy acupuncture practitioner you may not be able to find a renowned person. Click here to view more.


In conclusion, it can be said that the decision of which is better is person and disease specific. If you are looking for quick relief it is modern remedies that you should opt for. But if you are looking for a cheaper and more permanent cure to the disease then it is the traditional remedies that you should opt for. But in the recent times it is almost impossible to find a good and renowned traditional medicine practitioner.

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